Friday, October 05, 2007

University of Alabama Football Report for 10/05/07

Homecoming Quiz

1. Alabama’s original mascot is:
a. The varsity color guard
b. The Crimson Tide
c. An elephant named Big Al
d. An ineffective passing game

2. Alabama’s oldest tradition is:
a. Saying “Roll Tide Roll” during kick-offs
b. Chanting “Rammer Jammer” following a victory
c. Shaking crimson and white pom-poms during the fight song
d. Praising the second-string quarterback

3. Alabama’s most knowledgeable football coach ever is:
a. Paul “Bear” Bryant
b. Gene Stallings
c. Nick Saban
d. Apparently the guy who called Major Applewhite in the middle of the night!

4. During halftime of the homecoming game, Alabama usually:
a. Interviews the head coach
b. Interviews the Homecoming Queen
c. Interviews the alumni who’s traveled the farthest for the game
d. Interviews candidates for punting duties

5. This year’s Homecoming Queen will thank:
a. Jesus
b. Her mom and dad
c. The students who voted for her
d. Her lucky stars Alabama is not playing USF

For each question answered “a” give yourself two points. For each question answered “b” or “c” give yourself one point. For each question answered “d” give yourself ten dollars, stroll down to your local booze peddler, and see how far that will get you because, brother, your eyes are too clear and there’s some tough games on the horizon.

Roll Tide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Although, I'm not sure which is funnier, the quiz, or the tags for this post. Somewhere, there's a confused Googler looking for the lyrics to 'Enough Is Enough.'